FLTA launches new website

The Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA) has launched a brand-new website, complete with a modern look, fresh features and updated functionality, designed to support members and non-members better than ever before.

The new site covers all the latest government advice on Coronavirus in the Covid-19 Resource Centre, including health and hygiene factsheets for managers and equipment users.

There is even a new Knowledge Hub to answer FAQs on a range of subjects.

For full members and Safe User Group (SUG) members there are sign-in areas for exclusive access to resources such as Technical Bulletins, safety guidance and insightful Health & Safety Bulletins.

When looking to buy or hire a forklift truck, the company supplying it should work to the highest standards, so the simple Member Search tool enables customers to easily find an FLTA member in their area.

As well as industry insights, the latest news and expert advice, the website contains an online store where a range of publications and products can be purchased with a discount rate applied for members.

As a member of the newly formed UK Material Handling Association (UKMHA), the FLTA is committed to supporting its members and the industry as a whole, and has launched this new website to provide easier access to important safety information while delivering an exceptional user experience.

Check out the new website at www.fork-truck.org.uk



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