Safeguarding frontline workers

Digital Barriers launches remote fever scanning solution to help safeguard frontline workers

Digital Barriers, a provider of edge-intelligent surveillance and security technologies, announced the release of a real-time remote fever scanning solution that adds remote monitoring to this capability. Fever scanning cameras help safeguard frontline workers against potential infection. The addition of Digital Barriers’ government-grade remote monitoring enables this to be carried out without the need for close human contact, thereby cutting the risk of transmission.

thermal and HD optical cameraProviding both a thermal and HD optical camera, Digital Barriers’ unique EdgeVis Live technology ensures reliable real-time standoff temperature detection and profiling, even in locations with poor bandwidth and network connectivity. The thermal camera analyses body temperature, a key indicator of the presence of a fever, and sounds an alarm when a specific temperature threshold is exceeded.

The solution provides hospitals, primary care clinics, pharmacies, chemists, warehouses, distribution centres and commercial buildings with a highly effective means of quickly identifying staff and customers who show signs of an infection, minimising transmission on-site.

Zak Doffman, CEO at Digital Barriers, said “Protecting key workers has never been more vital and we’re pleased that EdgeVis Live, our resilient live streaming capability, can play a crucial role in remotely identifying potential carriers of any likely infection, thus safeguarding those we are relying on most as well as the wider public.”

Digital Barriers’ remote fever scanning solution can be deployed as a standalone system or as part of a network, linked to a centralised command and control location.

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