The UK Internal Market Scheme

Earlier this year, the UK government and the EU agreed to the Windsor Framework, establishing a new UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) to replace the current UK Trader Scheme (UKTS).

The UKIMS will enable registered traders to continue moving ‘not at risk’ goods into Northern Ireland under existing arrangements. Additionally, from October 2024, it will remove unnecessary paperwork, checks and duties for ‘not at risk’ movements – only basic commercial information will be required.

There are three key expansions of the scheme:

• All UK businesses are now eligible, not just those with physical premises in Northern Ireland.
• The turnover threshold for companies involved in processing has increased from £500,000 to £2 million. Above this threshold, companies can still qualify if goods are for animal feed, healthcare, construction or not-for-profit sectors, even if sold to one subsequent entity.
• Inputs for food production remain eligible as ‘not at risk’.

Once approved, traders can start using the UKIMS immediately, but expanded processing criteria only apply from 30 September 2023.

We encourage quickly transferring UKTS authorisation to UKIMS to ensure no disruption.

The UKTS will no longer apply from 30 September 2023 – the UKIMS authorisation must be used instead. Additional information is required for HMRC to approve applications, so early registration is advised.

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Joseph Clarke
Editor, International Trade Magazine
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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