Traders Corner – Magali Beauregard Ta

International Trade Magazine sits down with Magali Beauregard Ta, Chief Commercial Officer, CargoAi 

What does ‘logistics’ mean to you? 

I relate Logistics to Supply Chains. And what fascinated me when I joined airfreight 8 years ago is exactly that: the discovery of the supply chains networks, nods and inter-dependencies. It was like discovering a “ghost” industry, transparent to the main crowds but instrumental to the way we live our daily lives.  

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?  

If I could change really anything, I would ask that all the energy used to power our supply chains become green with 0 green premium overnight!  

What three traits define you?  

I’m a learner, and definitely a “can-do” person. My colleagues would probably tell you that I also have a great eye for details! 

What’s the most important trend in the industry today?  

In line with the above wish, the most important thing happening right now is that the industry is just starting to get serious about climate action. In fact, it’s so much more than a trend. We need to come together to orchestrate an unprecedented change and I’m not sure everyone is still clear on the pace and scale needed. On the other side, we need to remain optimistic and throw all of our joint power of innovation to design and rapidly scale the solutions which will bring our industry to net-zero by 2050.  

How do you define success?  

With 2 words: integrity and impact…

To read the rest of this exclusive article see our latest issue here

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