Traders Corner – Nicolas Menigoz

International Trade Magazine catches up with Nicolas Menigoz, CTO, iFollow

What does ‘logistics’ mean to you? 

In my vision, logistics can be defined as detailed planning, organisation, management, and implementation of complex operations in the simplest possible terms. In many industries, including warehousing, logistics extends to the flow of physical goods and information. 

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? To name a few, warehouses face challenges related to labour shortages, peak season and employee fatigue due to travel time in the installations. I’d advise companies that have not adopted automation yet, to seriously consider warehouse automation as a key way to streamline the supply chain. 

On the other hand, for those who have been integrating automation solutions, I’d recommend going further and embracing it more extensively to ensure that business-critical operations meet customer demands.  

What three traits define you? 

Human, pragmatic, committed. 

What’s the most important trend in the industry today? 

Automation, more precisely, robotics. It has become an integral part of warehouse operations. 

According to the International Federation of Robotics report, half a million industrial robots were installed in 2021. This represents a growth rate of 31% year-on-year and exceeds the pre-pandemic record of robot installation in 2018 by 22%. We can say it’s a new peak! 

How do you define success?

The way I see success, it’s a combination of an expert team and sophisticated technology itself.  I always stay committed, ensure customer satisfaction, and never give up facing a technical challenge…

Read the rest of this exclusive interview in our latest issue here

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