Traders Corner – Oliver Naidoo

International Trade Magazine sits down with Oliver Naidoo, Managing Director, JC Auditors

What does ‘logistics’ mean to you? 

Simply put, “logistics” is the safe and efficient movement of goods from origin to destination. Of course, there are complexities that need to be negotiated at each stage in the movement along the supply chain, including planning, inventory management, warehousing, and transport to final order fulfilment. Our business has been actively promoting safety, compliance and efficiency in the transport and logistics sector for more than 15 years, so enabling good governance in logistics is the heartbeat of what we do. 

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? 

I would like to change the way that consignors and consignees view their responsibility for the transportation of their goods. Whilst there are exceptional examples of consignors and consignees that demand world class safety standards from their transporters, there are also far too many that do not place any premium on safe transportation. This lack of governance contributes to the high number of unsafe vehicles and increasingly poor driving behaviour – often with devastating consequences. So, I’d like consignors to rethink their corporate governance and to consider that their responsibility does not end at the dispatch gate but extends to the roads until their goods reach their destination.  

 What three traits define you? 

  • I believe in always doing the right thing, being honest and transparent, even when it’s uncomfortable or humbling 
  • It is important to treat everyone with respect 
  • I’m an eternal optimist and believe that the future is bright. I like that quote from Wayne Gretzky: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” 

What’s the most important trend in the industry today? 

The trend relating to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) seems to be gaining in momentum. In essence, overall good corporate citizenship promoting the holistic view that sustainability extends beyond just the micro business environment.  

How do you define success? 

Success is…

Read the rest of the exclusive interview in the latest edition here

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