Warehousing worries

International Trade Magazine looks at the best ways to proactively protect warehouses, whether it be for workplace safety and efficiency or malicious attack 

Over the past few years, the multiple disruptions to the logistics industry have shown just how important it is to mitigate risk wherever possible. While some political disturbances are unavoidable, there are other areas where proactive measures can significantly impact. One of these is in the approach to safety and security.

This article looks at how companies can keep safety and security threats at an absolute minimum, from preventing loading accidents to closely monitoring warehouse assets and safety.


Loading safety 

A significant but easily preventable cause of damaged goods in the logistics process lies in unsafe and inefficient loading processes. Using a well-designed system from an industry leader such as Joloda, to load and unload goods from vehicles can save time and help prevent unnecessary accidents. Depending on the product being transported, either a slipchain loading system, moving floor loading system or trailerskate loading system might be appropriate.



Logistics security is another area that requires an effective and targeted approach. That approach will depend on multiple factors, such as where loads are being transported and what the load is. No matter the load, warehouses need to be constantly surveilled in an area that’s secured by a perimeter such as a high fence or wall.

Warehouses also need to be appropriate environments for the goods being stored; generally, this means a dry, well-ventilated space, unless it’s for highly durable industrial products. For most security concerns, it’s best to get the advice of a security consultant with experience working in the logistics industry.


Proactive monitoring 

As the events of the past few years have shown, it’s not enough to be reactive to events as they happen. The businesses which have thrived of late are the ones that were able to predict and proactively approach the diverse array of security and safety issues that have been thrown up. From supply chain bottlenecks to closing borders, ensure that your logistics coordinators constantly monitor potential threats to the logistics process and come up with solutions to safeguard before it’s too late.


To read the rest of the article, see our latest issue here.

Media contact

Editor, International Trade Magazine
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922
Email: editor@intrademagazine.com 

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